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Estancia Río Pelke

A unique trout fishing experience

Los Plateados

only steelhead run on the whole Atlantic coast

Glacier King

The perfect combination of King Salmon, solitude and high-end service

Las Buitreras

one of the best and most dynamic fly fishing destinations on the planet

In cooperation with

🇺🇸 USA to Estancia Rio Pelke in 24hs

We call ourselves “A Guides Company”

Tres Amigos

Our company was founded and is operated by guides. We know our clientele's wants and needs, and the standard of service they expect. Our goal has been and still is to develop some of the best fly-fishing destinations in South Patagonia through the exploration of remote Santa Cruz Province, while following high environmental practices and, most importantly, following our family values.

The River Las Buitreras
tres amigos




This is why we
do it

World-class guides & casting instructors

This is about a team of guides/instructors, with an extensive world-class career, consolidated as an Outfitter, specialized in some of the most important destinations/species in South Patagonia.

Our service is the result of all the experience gained after two decades guiding (with over a thousand guests) and managing lodges in Argentina and abroad. We invite you to join us for a trip of a lifetime!​

Juanma Biott
Claudio Martin
Pollo Coscia

Río Pelke

The best spring creeks of south Patagonia

Four of the best spring creeks of south Patagonia

The best spring creeks of south Patagonia

Estancia Rio Pelke counts with private access to the best 5 trout rivers in Santa Cruz province, located only an hour and a half drive from the cities of El Calafate and Rio Gallegos.

Fly fishing for trout in these small rivers demand a unique approach and different techniques for brown and brook trout.

These rivers have been outside of the fishermen radar, the reasons why theykeep such good numbers and sizes. The ideal place for both experienced fly fishermen as well as those willing to learn from highly qualified instructors.

The River - Est Rio Pelke
brook brown The River - Est Rio Pelke
The River - Est Rio Pelke

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Est. Río Pelke

This boutique, family-style fly fishing program takes anglers on a truly authentic journey.

Guests stay at traditional family-run Argentine estancia (Two double rooms) dating back to the 1930’s as well as a unique wilderness eco-camp.

Accommodation - Est. Rio Pelke family and friends
Accommodation - Est. Rio Pelke places
Accommodation - Est. Rio Pelke places
Accommodation Est. Rio Pelke
Accommodation - Est. Rio Pelke places
Accommodation - Est. Rio Pelke
Accommodation - Est. Rio Pelke
Accommodation - Est. Rio Pelke
Accommodation - Est. Rio Pelke
Accommodation Est. Rio Pelke
Accommodation - Est. Rio Pelke places
Accommodation - Est. Rio Pelke places
Staying in a traditional estancia plus eco-camp

Staying in a traditional estancia plus eco-camp

Vegetables and meat from its own production

Vegetables and meat from its own production

single rooms with private bathrooms

single rooms with private bathrooms

brook & brown big brooks

Brook & Brown

Big brooks are hard to find anywhere in the world, combined with a delightful brown trout fishing this program gives you the chance of catching trophy fish with light tackle.
Each day you will have the chance of hooking a good number of fish, and all done with floating line.

The Fish - Est. Rio Pelke
The Fish - Las buitreras
The Fish - Las buitreras sea trout
flowers leaf

Full week Program

Day 1

Day 1

Anglers will be picked up at the airport 🛬 and driven to the river ⛰(1:15hs). A brief informative meeting will be held thorough lunch. After that it will be time to set up the tackle and hit the home pools with our guides

Mon / Fri
Days 2 & 6

Days 2 & 6

Fishing Full Days 🙌

Day 7

Day 7

🥚🍞🍳 Breakfast and Departure at 7:00 am ✈️

Half week Program

Sat or Tue
Day 1

Day 1

Anglers will be picked up at the airport 🛬 and driven to the river ⛰(1:15hs). A brief informative meeting will be held thorough lunch. After that it will be time to set up the tackle and hit the home pools with our guides

Days 2 & 3

Days 2 & 3

Fishing Full Days 🙌

Day 7

Day 7

🥚🍞🍳 Departure after lunch ✈️

sea trout
Río Pelke


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happy face
Estancia Río Pelke

Los Plateados

Only steelhead run on the whole Atlantic coast

river and landscape will make you feel its magic

This mighty river is only steelhead home to the run on the whole Atlantic coast

From late February till May chrome bright steelhead enter this river from the ocean in huge numbers. We based our operation at Los Plateados lodge, located next to the most productive stretch of this river.

atlantic steelhead gif
bright steelhead
The River - Los Plateados

los plateados icon
Los Plateados

Accommodation is set in a Cabin on the riverside, approximately 50 miles upstream from the rivers estuary. Although we can accommodate up to 14 guests at at time, we welcome a maximum of 12 fishermen per week.

Lodging is arranged for 4 anglers in two double rooms. Simple but comfortable the cabin has everything you need, even a warm fireplace.

Accommodation - Los Plateados places
Accommodation - Los Plateados friends
Accommodation - Los Plateados
Accommodation - Los Plateados fish
Accommodation - Los Plateados
Accommodation - Los Plateados
Accommodation - Los Plateados fishing
los plateados river fishing
Accommodation - Los Plateados fish
Accommodation - Los Plateados fishing
Accommodation - Est. Rio Pelke capture fish
los plateados river fishing
Accommodation - Los Plateados
Accommodation - Los Plateados places
Both Breakfast

Both Breakfast

and Dinner

and Dinner

prepared by an Argentine chef

prepared by an Argentine chef

Internet Connection

Internet Connection

Double rooms with private bathrooms

Double rooms with private bathrooms

bright steelhead


The fish were introduced in the early 1900’s, brought from Californias McCloud river. Steelhead have often been credited as being one -if not the- hardest fighting migratory fish and the specimens in Santa Cruz are no exception, where they can reach over 20lb.

Chasing these fish is a profound experience and the magnificence of the river and landscape will make you feel its magic.

The Fish - Santa Cruz
flowers leaf

Our key Program

6 fishing days

6 fishing days

Saturday - Friday

4 Anglers

4 Anglers

Running Since 2015

sea trout
Los Plateados

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happy face
Los Plateados

Glacier King

The perfect combination of King Salmon, solitude and high-end service.

King Salmon arrived to Southern Patagonia in the early 2000s.

Every year Chinook Salmon go upriver from the Atlantic Ocean to reach these pristine waters

The river has an stable colony of King Salmon that amazes by its number. The weight of these fish go up to 50 lb and bigger! With a record size of 90.3 lb from 2018.

Located inside "Glaciers National Park” on a privileged spot, almost impossible to get by foot or any vehicle. .

With exclusive dates and areas for Fly-fishing and spin-fishing, the thrill of catching a king salmon is guaranteed in this place.